Our Company
Our Vision is a world without corneal blindness and impaired vision. "Our value is to offer hope and make an impact by improving vision, patient care, and life quality for millions of people worldwide suffering from corneal blindness and low vision.” We aim to meet the huge unmet and humanitarian needs for the human cornea and natural-based corneal implants and inlays by providing effective, safe, permanent, and readily available and affordable treatment options for all corneal patients, especially for those most vulnerable including women and children, and those in underdeveloped and developing countries.
Core Values
"Our value is to offer hope and make a great impact by improving vision, patient care, and life quality for millions of people worldwide suffering from corneal blindness and low vision.” We aim to meet the huge unmet and humanitarian needs for the human cornea and natural-based corneal implants and inlays by providing effective, safe, permanent, and readily available and affordable treatment options for all corneal patients, especially for those most vulnerable including women and children, and those in developing countries.
Our mission is to provide the society with natural, high quality, reliable, cost-effective bio-engineered corneal implants that meet the huge demand of the world population suffering from corneal blindness and low vision. LinkoCare corneal implants can be used both for patients with corneal blindness who need a full-thickness implant and for those who suffer from corneal vision impairment and in need of a partial-thickness implant. LinkoCare bio-engineered implants will capture a significant share of the market for corneal blindness and low vision due to their advanced functionality, safety, cost effectiveness, and long term durability over existing solutions such as human donor corneas, the prosthetic artificial corneas, and synthetic inter-corneal lenses.
About LinkoCare
LinkoCare is a Swedish knowledge-intensive bioengineering company developing innovative products for sight restoration.
Contact Us
Frösundaleden 2B, Plan 8, 169 75 Solna, Stockholm – Sweden
+46 73 461 31 66